NEW DELHI: Six persons have been arrested in connection to the Hathras stampede that resulted in 121 deaths, inspector general (IG) Shalabh Mathur of the Aligarh Range, said on Thursday.While interacting with journalists, he said that the police will issue a non-bailable warrant against chief sevadar Devprakash Madhukar and announced a reward of Rs 1 lakh.”When the stampede occurred the six servitors who are now arrested had run away from the site. Rs 1 lakh reward is being announced on the arrest of the main accused Prakash Madhukar. Soon, a non-bailable warrant will be issued against him. We will also investigate if this incident occurred due to a conspiracy,” said Mathur.‘We are inquiring about ‘Bhole Baba’s’ criminal history’If required, authorities might interrogate ‘Bhole Baba’, who is not mentioned in the FIR but is under investigation. Police are gathering details about Narayan Sakaar Hari’s history.”We are inquiring about ‘Bhole Baba’s’ criminal history. Permission for the event was not taken in his name,” Mathur said.